Judith Hamilton - Therapist & Educator
Judith Hamilton - Therapist & Educator
Psychoanalyst - Freudian and Lacanian Orientation
Psychoanalyst - Freudian and Lacanian Orientation
I am a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, teacher and supervisor who is currently available for consultations, therapies, referrals to others, opportunities to teach (any number of sessions) and to lead study groups (short or long). I work during the days in my office in Toronto, Canada, and online, and read, teach and attend conferences on the evenings and weekends. My payment rates for any of these activities are contemporary, reasonable, sliding scale and negotiable, through Interac or by cash. Please send me any enquiries by email at jehamilton@rogers.com or phone me at 416-843-5087 and leave a message.
I trained as a medical doctor and psychiatrist in Toronto, graduating in 1976, recently retiring, and have belonged to all the organizations relevant to that work. I trained in psychoanalysis in Toronto, graduating in 1982, and belong to those relevant organizations. I have and have had a full-time private practice in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, with individual adults, with a wide variety of conditions and situations, for over 40 years. I have taught a wide range of topics - including Freudian and Object Relations Theory; techniques; approaches to people of different character types; people with symptomatic neurosis, with narcissism, depression and masochism; impasses in treatments - in psychoanalytic and psychotherapy programs of the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society. I have taught extensively topics in Applied Psychoanalysis and Lacanian Psychoanalysis in the TPS Extension Program. I have delivered papers in a number of settings and commented on a number of papers and PhD theses related to my field of study. I am one of the founding members of the group Lacan Toronto, at www.lacantoronto.ca; I am the current co-ordinator, and attend regular, every second-Sunday, online reading group meetings and and teaching sessions throughout each year to which anyone interested is invited by emailing me at jehamilton@rogers.com
I work face-to-face with people in my home office in north Toronto, near the subway line and with ample parking. I work online using the zoom program or on the phone. You can reach me on my phone (416-843-5087) or by email (jehamilton@rogers.com)