Judith Hamilton - Therapist & Educator
Judith Hamilton - Therapist & Educator
Psychoanalyst - Freudian and Lacanian Orientation
Psychoanalyst - Freudian and Lacanian Orientation
Book Review of The Killing Ear: Stories by Marike Finlay-de Monchy, Illustrations by Jaswant Guzder; (2003) Big Splash Books, Halifax, NS, NB, Canada. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis
Book Review of The Mind According to Shakespeare:Psychoanalysis in the Bard’s Writing, by Marvin Bennett Krims (2006) Praeger, Westport, Connecticut, London. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis, Fall 2011.
Book Review of Lacanian Psychotherapy: Theory and Practical Applications, by Michael J. Miller (2011) Routledge. Taylor and Francis Group, New York, London. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis, Spring 2012.
Book Review of Lacan - The Unconscious Reinvented, by Colette Soler (2014) Translated by Esther Faye and Susan Schwartz. Karnac Books Ltd. London. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis, Spring 2016.
"Something is Rotten..." in Hamlet's Denmark: Claudius as perverse and psychopathic character. Psyart Online Publications, 2011.
"Contribution à la technique psychanalytique", in Penser la Clinique Psychanalytique: Le Lacanian Clinical Forum. Sous la direction de Gilles Chagnon, Marie Hazan and Michel Peterson. Voix psychanalytiques edition, Liber, 2010.